Aion Pak File Editor
Download and install Python 2.6 2. Download the.rar archive and extract You will find a Bat File (entpacken.bat) and a Python File (pak2zip.py) inside the archive. Download the latest Phyton Script and overwrite the old one 4. Now install Python. After that, move (copy) your.pak file (this one which you want to extract) inside the folder with the 2 files (entpacken.bat and pak2zip.py) 5. Rename the.pak File in a.pak 6.
Double click on entpacken.bat Now the.pak file will be converted to a.rar file 7. How to install wilcom 2006 sp4 r2 on windows 7. Extract this one and you will find your data THIS WORKS ALSO WITH LANGUAGE FILES (.ENU for example). For those that want music: If NCsoft is doing the same with their ogg files in Aion as they did in Lineage 2 they can be decoded to play and convert normally with a hex editor. VIM hex editor is what I use normally.
The first four header bits (for the Lineage 2 ogg's) are L2SD. I'll assume it would be different for Aion; all you need to look at is those first 4 characters. The standard header for.ogg files is OggS. Change the first 4 bits to OggS if its not. The ogg file should now be readily playable in winamp. It can now also be converted into mp3. I'll test with the Aion files some to check it out.
[UPDATE] I installed the Chinese AION CB/OB client. After installing Deathain's suggested link for the RPGViewer, I was able to unpack all the music files from the game into their respective ogg formats. All of the file headers are intact and play perfectly in winamp. Voice and other sound effects should be the same as well. Similar Threads - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies can someone help me who to open.ibf files - Technical Support - 4 Replies i'm searchin one programme who it can open.ibf files.i need ur helps.coz lots of files in here re.ibf i'm lookin forward ur answers bout this subject - Kal Online - 2 Replies Can someone tell me how to open.dat files, with what program? Thanks in advance!
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The default path where you're extracting the file would be C: Program Files(x86) NCSOFT Aion. You want it to replace the objects folder in the Aion folder. Programs needed for Mod'ing Aion Extract.Pak To extract/convert the files you will need any of these below, with RTU so will you need to convert one file at the.
Some useful notes about things people often ask me: • • • • 1. Chatlog issues I’ve run into a few users who were unable to get the chat.log enabled no matter what they tried. The issue seems related to the Aion folder being in “Program Files”, probably under some sort of protection or folder virtualization/sandboxing by windows.