Anytone At-588 Vhf Manual
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This video covers my latest purchase of an AnyTone AT-588 transceiver, rated for 66 MHz to 88 MHz and thus suitable for unmodified use on 4m. The transceiver is rated for 50w / 25w / 12w output.
CE Approval AT-588 HF 66-88MHz Mobile,Vehicle, Car Frequency: HF 66~88MHz Function: Output Power:60W(VHF),45W(UHF)/25W(HF)/10W 100programmable memorized channels+Call channel, the channels can be marked with letters and digits CTCSS/DCS/5-Tone decodes and encodes Four different single-tone pulse frequencies CTCSS/DCS scan Compander to reduce noise Theft alarm ANI function(DTMF/ANI,5Tone/ANI) PTT ID. Online Payment (1) PayPal Account: 1) Why PayPal? PayPal enables you to send payments quickly and securely online using a credit card or bank account. Advantages: a) Payment is traceable. You can trace the status of your payment using your PayPal account. B) Payment does not require you to use your credit card online (you can transfer directly from your bank account). TradeTang doesn't see your credit card number (it is safely encrypted through PayPal's server), which limits the risk of unauthorized use.
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VHF: 136-174Mhz Number of Channels: 200 Operating Voltage: 13.8VDC +-15% Power Output: Wide Band 60W /25W/10W VHF Modulatiom: 16K0F3E Quick Modification: 1. Press and hold“FUN”+“TS/DCS”key, then press“POW”key to power on the radio 2. 10ec 8136 driver windows 7. Adjust the channel knob to choose the mode you want ex Mode4 3.