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Donor challenge: Your generous donation will be matched 2-to-1 right now. Your $5 becomes $15! Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. Most can’t afford to give, but we hope you can. The average donation is $45. If everyone chips in $5, we can end this fundraiser today.
Right now, a generous supporter will match your donation 2-to-1, so you can triple your impact. All we need is the price of a paperback book to sustain a library you can trust. We have only 150 staff but run one of the world’s top websites. We’re dedicated to reader privacy so we never track you.
We never accept ads. But we still need to pay for servers and staff. For 22 years, my dream has been to build the library of everything and make it available to everyone. To make information more reliable and permanent. I know we could charge money, but then we couldn’t achieve our mission: a free library for the whole internet. The Internet Archive is a bargain, but we need your help. If you find our site useful, please chip in.
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— Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive. Donor challenge: Your generous donation will be matched 2-to-1 right now. Your $5 becomes $15! Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today.
The average donation is $45. If everyone chips in $5, we can end this fundraiser today. Right now, your donation will be matched, doubling your impact!
All we need is the price of a paperback book to sustain a library the whole world trusts. We’re dedicated to reader privacy so we never track you. We never accept ads.
But we still need to pay for servers and staff. For 22 years, my dream has been to build the library of everything and make it available to everyone.
I know we could charge money, but then we couldn’t achieve our mission. The Internet Archive is a bargain, but we need your help. If you find our site useful, please chip in. — Brewster Kahle, Founder, Internet Archive.
Donor challenge: Your generous donation will be matched 2-to-1 right now. Your $5 becomes $15! Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. The average donation is $45.
If everyone chips in $5, we can end this fundraiser today. Right now, your donation will be matched, doubling your impact! All we need is the price of a paperback book to sustain a library the whole world trusts. We’re dedicated to reader privacy so we never track you. We never accept ads. But we still need to pay for servers and staff.