Dastuurka Somalia Pdf
• • • The Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia (: Dastuurka Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya) is the supreme law of. It provides the legal foundation for the existence of the Federal Republic and source of legal authority. It sets out the rights and duties of its citizens, and defines the structure of. The Provisional was adopted on August 1, 2012 by a National Constitutional Assembly in,. Somalia's provisional Constitution provides for a parliamentarian system of government, with the as and a selected as.
The country has a, which consists of the Senate (upper house) and the House of the People (lower house). Together, they make up the. Main article: In 1969, following the assassination of Somalia's second president,, the military staged a coup on October 21 (the day after Shermarke's funeral), and took over office. The (SRC) that assumed power was led by Major General. Barre shortly afterwards became the head of the SRC.
News in Somalia newspaper by Somalia.direct.news press review. Xuquuqda Aadanaha, shirka oo ku saabsan Xuquuqda Aadanaha gaar ahaan Cutubka Labaad ee Dastuurka KMG ayaa waxaa ka. Sh Xassaan Xussein & Maamul Goboledyada Dastuurka Somalia Qofka Ka QeybQaato Waa Gaal.
The SRC subsequently renamed the country the, arrested members of the former government, banned political parties, dissolved the parliament and the Supreme Court, and suspended the Constitution. A new Constitution was ratified on August 25, 1979 through a, under which elections for a People's Assembly were held. However, Barre's continued to rule. The Constitution of 1979 provided for a presidential system under which the president served as both head of state and head of government. As head of government, the president selected the members of the, which he chaired. The Constitution of 1979 initially called for the president to be elected to a six-year, renewable term of office by a two-thirds majority vote of the legislature. After Barre's overthrow, a provisional government called for a new Constitution to replace the 1979 document that had been the law of the land at the time of his ouster.
Federal Republic of Somalia [ ] Constitutional institutions [ ] The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia promotes human rights, the rule of law, general standards of, justice, participatory consultative and inclusive government, the between the, and an independent, in order to ensure, efficiency and responsiveness to the interests of the people. The Federal Republic of Somalia has a where much of the executive power lies with the. Presidency [ ]. • Mary Harper (2012-08-01)..

Retrieved 2012-09-18. UN News Centre.
Retrieved 17 September 2012. • Antonios Kouroutakis Note on the Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia •.
Al Jazeera English. Retrieved 2012-09-18. • African Elections Database • ^. Retrieved 2012-09-18. • Adam, Hussein Mohamed; Richard Ford (1997). Red Sea Press.
Fage, Roland Anthony Oliver, The Cambridge history of Africa, Volume 8, (Cambridge University Press: 1985), p.478. • ^ The Encyclopedia Americana: complete in thirty volumes. Skin to Sumac, Volume 25, (Grolier: 1995), p.214.
• Metz, Helen C. (ed.) (1992). Somalia: A Country Study.: CS1 maint: Extra text: authors list (). • Peter John de la Fosse Wiles, The New Communist Third World: an essay in political economy, (Taylor & Francis: 1982), p.279. External links [ ] • (adopted August 1, 2012).