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PowerPoint PresentationA Literary Exploration on A poem written by Edith TiempoBonsaiRose Katherine H. JavierDiscussantA pleasant Saturday morning to everyone here today.
Rose Katherine H. Javier and I am going to present a literary exploration on the poem entitled Bonsai written by National Artist Awardee Edith L. Tiempo.1The Author:Edith L. Tiempo (April 22, 1919 August 21, 2011Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya )poet, fiction writer, teacher and literary critic was a Filipino writer in the English language.founded (in 1962) and directed the Silliman National Writers Workshop in Dumaguete City together with her late husband, writer and critic Edilberto K. TiempoShe has two children, Rowena and Maldonconferred the National Artist Award for Literature in 1999Two of her most anthologized pieces are Lament for the Littlest Fellow and BonsaiLet us first take a glance at the authors life and works. Edith Tiempo was born on April 22, 1919 in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. She, together with her late husband, writer and critic, Edilberto K.
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Tiempo, established the Silliman National Writers Workshop in Dumaguete City in 1962. She gave birth to two children, Rowena and Maldon.