Hetalia Doujinshi Links

Hetalia Doujinshi Links 5,9/10 1648 reviews

I can't remember the name, but it was a doujinshi where Prussia had to stay in a German prison and Germany would only come sometimes to see him, and Prussia was very scared and wished Germany could stay with him more. Once they youknowwhatted, Germany promised to be back more often to take care of Prussia, but he never returned. Prussia kept worrying about Germany, and one day Germany returned with Russia to let Prussia out, and he seemed to be happy, but at the end he only hugged Prussia once and kept a dim expression while Prussia was still disappointed, and Russia just stood there. It made me cry my eyes out~. Yes, it was over a usuk doujinshi called 'Tree Climbing and a Red Skirt' I cried for at least an hour.

It was about how when Alfred was little he met an angel (Arthur) and he would always be with him everyday, they had a conversation about how he needed to go back to heaven one day back to God unless he took care of someone. Alfred smiled cheerfully and said 'I'll protect Arshur from God because i'm a hero and that's what they do! So you can stay here forever!' Until he grew older. Alfred was getting depressed over family issues and Arthur wanted to help him. But one day Alfred just shut Arthur out and he broke down crying saying 'This was the first time I as an angel, knew what it felt like to shed tears' AND THEN SO ON SO ON I'M NOT SPOILING ANYMORE! That was a bad explanation but its sad alright, also it's part one, part two and part three.

Oh my, where do I even begin o_o The first Hetalia doujin I had ever read was Dolfin (at least I'm pretty sure that was the title). It's a GerIta doujinshi and since I was new at Hetalia I didn't really fangirl about the show at all. But when I read that doujin, I cried a LOT. It motivated me to watch more of Hetalia episodes and I'm glad I found that doujin because I would have never gone on watching Hetalia if it weren't for that ^^ My second Hetalia doujinshi was a collaboration of two pairings. (Not sure why the first two Hetalia doujins I read were sad though) First it was PruIta and the second was Spamano. I forgot the title of the doujinshi but it was when the Italy brothers were both Grim Reapers. There are still more doujins but I forgot what they were about and what the titles were, I'll just edit this answer when I remember.

The FrUk doushinji 'Ghost' was really sad and really well written. Also I remember this one doushinji, I can't remember it's name. But it starts off how France and England first met, England gave France a flower and they started playing together. Then France's country leader came and was about to hurt England. France begged him if he went with him and wouldn't be England's friend anymore, that he had to promise not to hurt him. It was so sad, seeing France being pulled away from England and England standing there calling out to him.

Then it did a time skip, where France and England were 'fighting' at a meeting. Later France asked him if he wanted to go for a drink with him, he agreed and they both went out. Long story short, France pulled out the same flower England gave him all thoughes years ago and showed it to him, saying 'I.I never stopped loving you.or stopped being your friend.' England teared up and rubbed his eyes saying 'Y-You stupid.f-frog.'

The sad sun shining down on the day I drove to the cape And a thing that was slowly dying The sad sun was taken away Never had your chance to live And it's hard to forgive Never had your chance to love And it does not happen like this In heaven, if heaven exists And we'll never know until the moment we're finished And the few that care What have they accomplished right here? Goodbye dear friend poem.