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So we want to bring Team Fortress to AvP2. Windows vista 6001 activation crack. It shouldn't be too difficult, all of the weapons we need are already in AvP2, and configuring armor and run speeds and whatnot isn't too hard. What we need, however, is input on how this should go down, and modders to make the more difficult things happen, like possibly adding new weapons and more importantly, new GAME MODES, like Capture the Flag or Assault, things that teams do that aren't Team Deathmatch. However, this is AvP2 Fortress, so everything should have an AvP2 twist to it. Like Preds and Aliens on the teams realistically, but not whorishly.
No Predator rocket-launcher guys, for example, but a Predator as the Spy, a class that's supposed to cloak and primarily use a knife anyway. Unpack the archive in the same folder where avp2.exe is. The purpose of each item is: • the.TGA files will help you get started in the skinning process itself.
• the folder structure will guide you where to put the resulting.DTX files: blue skin goes to Skins/Characters/Team1/Marine, red skin to Skins/Characters/Team2/Marine • the tamiko_test.bat file, if the archive is extracted in your AvP2 game folder, will allow you to fire up the game and load directly a test level; the level itself has two instances of Tamiko, one skinned using the blue team (Team1) skin and the other one using the red team (Team2) skin. It is a quick way to test your skins: just drop the.DTX files in the proper Skins/Characters/Team1/Marine respectively Skins/Characters/Team2/Marine folders and double click the BAT file to see your changes in game. This is what we'll also use to visualize your submissions. Now I know that I closed the first point with 'That easy'.
Well, it's not that easy, I'm afraid. There are some rules and limits that you should be aware of: • Duration of the contest Until 1st of September. On 1st of September, we'll no longer accept submissions.A couple of days later we'll announce the winners. • What exactly should you deliver? A zip file, containing the tree structure set up in the tamiko_test folder.The Skins/Characters/Team1/Marine and Skins/Characters/Team2/Marine should contain the.DTX files for the blue team medic and red team medic respectively.
While the file size might differ, the name needs to stay the same. The skins need to resemble closely, except the team colors and perhaps some minor differences (an extra scratch or stain, things small in terms of surface). • How to deliver it By e-mail. Mail the zip archive (one zip file per submission) to me, at • How many submissions are allowed for one person? As many as you are capable of making in the given timeframe.
• The folder structure for AvP2 Team Fortress (as seen in the tamiko_test folder) After importing your changed.TGA or.PCX files back as.DTX (using DEdit), in order to be used by AvP2, they need to be copied in the proper folder: • Skins/Characters/Team1/Marine, for the blue team skin of Tamiko • Skins/Characters/Team2/Marine, for the red team skin of Tamiko The tamiko_test has the folder structure already in place. • For the 'first time skinning for AvP2' people If you're on your first attempt to skin for AvP2, we highly recommend you to go through the following tutorials: • RaptorRed's tuturial (available at ) She focuses more on how to set up a project using DEDit, to make the import from.TGA/.PCX to.DTX easier • some dude's tutorial (he calls himself Herr_Alien, go figure:P) (available at ) • a similar tutorial, from the PROJAM team () If you have questions regarding the contest, just. For some skinning or tools advice, I recommend the.