Purolite Ion Exchange Design Calculation Program - The Best Free Software For Your

Purolite Ion Exchange Design Calculation Program - The Best Free Software For Your 6,5/10 7068 reviews

2 Zip - Introduction To Local Area Networks 8Th Edition - Purolite Ion Exchange Design Calculation Program - The Best Free Software For Your - Sam Cooke.

Gary is right. Not knowing the hardness and TDS of the raw water, leaves a lot to chance. But here is some information that might be helpful to you. Using three 78' diameter by 72' side shell pressure vessels loaded with 100 cubic feet of cation resin to a depth of 36' will allow you to operate at a combined flow rate of 1 MGD based upon a hydraulic loading capacity of 7 gpm/sf. When one unit drops off line to regenerate, the loading through the other two units is 10.5 gpm/sf for approximately 1-1/2 hours.

If hardwater blending is used, the loading will be even less in both cases. Typically, raw (hard) water is blended with softened water to produce an effluent containing about 85 mg/L of total hardness (in municipal drinking water systems). When each softener vessel regenerates, it will consume approximately 500 - 1,000 pounds of salt and produce about 10,000 gallons of liquid waste. The frequency of regeneration will depend upon the hardness of the raw water. Once you know the hardness of the raw water, you can calculate the approximate capacity by converting the hardness (expressed as mg/L or ppm, as CaCO3) to grains per gallon by dividing by 17.1. Then divide this number into the capacity of the softeners, in this case, approximately 2 million to 2.7 million grains per softener vessel. The cost for three individually skid mounted softener vessels with media, automatic valves and controls is approximately $75,000, plus shipping, installation, and startup.

The cost for a bulk salt storage/brinemaker silo with a capacity of approximately 36 tons and automatic level controls is roughly $25,000, plus shipping and installation. The resin will last anywhere from 10 - 20 years, depending upon raw water quality and operating conditions. Resin replacement cost for the total system is about $10,000, plus installation costs. Other than salt, water and resin replacement costs; there could be periodic repairs/replacement of valves and controls over years of operation, and the bulk salt storage silo may need to be vacuumed out after 5 - 10 years, depending upon the quality of salt used. If raw water contains iron in excess of 0.3 mg/L, or manganese greater than 0.05 mg/L, or free chlorine in excess of 2 mg/L; then resin life and capacity can be seriously compromised. Digital Without proper pretreatment to reduce these contaminants, frequent cleaning with acid-based reducing compounds and/or resin replacement will be eminent. This estimate covers equipment only.