Sims 2 Quaxi Censor Remover
Hello, a while ago I downloaded Quaxi's censor blur removal mod. Now I want to get restore the blur and for some reason I can't. I have removed the mod from my downloads and also deleted the cache files, but I'm still left with uncensored sims.
SIMSKY Helping you out in The Sims 2 What's in this section? Many players have been asking me the same questions over and over again. It was taking up a lot of time to answer all the questions individually, so I decided to set up this FAQ section. You can find 3 basic topics here - See Them 2 related help, which covers not only topics described in the manual, but step-by-step tutorials for recovering your game from disasters committed in Debug mode, too.
The next general topic (which will be added soon) is about downloading, recolors, incompatibility issues among different tools, global hacks etc. The last topic (available soon) describes various game bugs and their fixes. • SEE THEM 2, DEBUG MODE AND CENSOR RELATED QUESTIONS • I can't place windows and doors after using your program. Did you read the manual;o)? Many build and buy mode items have to be aligned to grid when placing them - especially wall-aligned items (doors, windows, kitchen counters.). Simply close the game, launch See Them 2 and turn off placing objects out of grid (by clicking on the picture with plants). The green check mark changes to a red X sign.
Close ST2 and launch the game. Some objects or NPCs are showing errors when I enter the lot. This is described in the manual, too.
Many user-created items and a few NPCs are incompatible with Debug mode. They will show errors even if they work properly when Debug mode is off. Simply turn off Debug mode by using See Them 2. Download do dvd bita e os animais completo. Parallels desktop 7 activation key free.
Close the game, launch ST2 and click on the picture with the pie menu - the green check mark changes to a red X sign. Close ST2 and launch the game. Censor is not fully removed - I can see partially dressed Sims in the bathroom. If you installed any crack for removing the censor, which modified the main game executable file, replace the file with its original version. If you didn't make a backup, you have to get the original file from the game installation CD or by reinstalling the game. NOTE - anticensor cracks of the.exe file can be detected as piracy by the game's internal protection, which may result in disabling the build mode.
Also remove any BHAV-based censor removing hacks - these hacks are usually designed for a specific game version only. You should remove them before installing a new EP.
You can use Clean Installer to find global hacks in your game folders - they will be marked in red (but also censor.package file added by ST2 will be marked - deleting it will turn the censor on again;o). Censor remover worked great, but I am unable to turn the censor back on again. This usually happens if you installed more than one censor removing hack. You have to get rid of all of them if you want to see the blur again. If you used another tool for this job, use it for removing the mod again. Close the game and other modding tools first - the files can't be deleted when they are in use by the game. Is See Them 2 compatible with SimPE?
SimPE uses the same file for removing the censor, but under a different name and places it in a different location. ST2 can find the file added by SimPE, so there will be no duplicated files:o). Is See Them 2 compatible with Insiminator? See Them 2 is an external tool adding a vertex shader hack to remove the censor; Insim is a pack of BHAV hacks. These kinds of mods are independent. I have a Mac version of the game.
Is there any free blur remover available? You can download Quaxi's 'Invisible censor blur' from sexysims2.com (listed among Hacks in Downloads section). It is the same censor.package file See Them 2 installs. Is the blur remover used in See Them 2 compatible with the upcoming Seasons EP? Yes, it is:o).
If Quaxi releases an update of his censor.package file in the future, I will update ST2 the next day:o). The remaining ST2 features are independent from the game version in use. They should work in all future EPs. Do I have to open See Them 2 before each game start? All the settings are stored on the disc. Launch ST2 only if you want to change any settings (to turn on/off one or more ST2 features). The function for rotating items in 45-degree steps doesn't work.
Taken from ST2 manual: You must have University or a newer EP for this to work. You also have to rotate the objects by using the ',' and '.' Keys (there is ' on the same keys). I used one of the features available in Debug mode. My lot is unplayable now.