Software Patch Firmware Ps3 By Kmeaw
Jul 18, 2018 - Mar 12, 2011. PS3: Install kmeaw CFW 3.55 with MultiMan for homebrew and backup loader support. Note: If you do not want to download a. Kmeaw 3.55 Custom Firmware - LV2 Patches with Peek/Poke Included. Here be another custom firmware for your PS3. This is kmeaw's version, which provides practically the same as Wutangrza's CFW. Updated to kmeaw, restart, installed lv2 patch, run it. Also added new multiman. Select a game in multiman and it exits to XMB.
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My PS3 BDB firmware is 'Bluray Drive Bypass', which allows a user to Update there ps3 with the latest available even without a Bluray drive in there PS3. This is just the basic release and will update as more firmwares and features are added to Kaks or Geohots Firmwares. This hopefully with allow users to update without a BD drive. This is a signed PUP This pups of warren are not original, they are already patched with the geohotpatch, you can use them to unbrick or come out of that loop. ================================================== ======= BDB 3.15. BDB 3.41- BDB 3.50.
[lang=pl]3.55 BDB: 3.55 kmeaw BDB: [/lang] ================================================== ========== Now in steps, we try this first if you are in a loop. Power of the console, no lights on. Take the HDD out the console 3.
Put HDD on youre pc ( get a housing for it and usb it on youre pc something like this ), i had mine for 10 euro, after the fix you can always use it, i bought a hdd for it 320gig for 40 euro, (or put it in a laptop if it fits, format it there, and take it out ) 4. Get somekind of program for formatting the HDD, i used EASEUS Partition Master, format the HDD in ntfs and use primary. Put the HDD back in the console, dont turn it on yet. Take a USBstick, and format it to fat32, 7.
Make a folder on the root of the usbstick named PS3, open that folder, and make in that folder, the folder UPDATE, in that folder UPDATE you put the firmware of this link DBD 3.55, only the pup named PS3UPDAT.PUP in that folder UPDATE, so its PS3/UPDATE. Put the usbstick in the right usb port of youre console, nothing else in the other ports.
Power it on and keep the button pushed till it beeps 2 times, then release, try again if it beeps one time and goes to xmb, or beeps once and goes off. [ame='- How to come in recovery mode![/ame] If it beeps 2 times and you release button, then after a few seconds it asked for a connected controller, then you can choose the update option. Hope it works if not try in the loop to remove the HDD, format it and put it back then try the firmware again in recovery mode, try different firmware, maybe the one you had last, but use always the BDB versions. After installing the ofw 3.55BDB fw you want to try the custom firmwares, install those ones same way or thru factory mode, for me it didnt worked on the normal way thru xmb menu.

Ps remember you always need the BDB versions to update or downgrade thru recovery or factory mode or if you use the others you get a loop on 76%,or get a red screen because of the check for a good working bluray logic board, it will only work when install thru recovery menu, most of the times it says the pup is damaged when you try to do it thru the xmb menu. S6 ================= ================================================== ==================== YOu can make a BDB firmware by yourself, its easy if you follow warren guide and the links to the keys. Only need a ofw firmware of sony. I used the package from warren from his guide Download this BDB package: The Guide Warren wrote to patch a CFW Guide warren You must put your keys in: 'C:/PS3/.ps3' You can't rename a folder with a '.' At the beginning of the name, so you must download a pack with a folder already named and extract it in your home (c:/PS3 in your case). PS3KEYS ---> thanks to diesel701 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Use this to patch the KMEAW or use the latest GAIA, update youre lv2 here everytime, its version 5 already IF you use the latest Gaia you dont need to patch with the lv2 patcher everytime you start youre console Install this one same way or thru factory mode, for me it didnt worked on the normal way thru xmb menu.