Amptron Pii-2300 Manual
Have tried removing all unnecessary boards from computer (Amptron motherboard PII-2300 with Celeron 333Mhz processor). Memory diagnostics run clean. Nov 18, 2002 - Download Amptron PII 2300 driver for Motherboards, different software versions available here.
I Have ( currently in operation ) an AMPTRON model 810LR-H This MotherBoard is about 2 years old. Maybe manufactured a little further back. Problem is I can No Longer find the Software/ Drivers Installation CD that came with the system Board when I purchased it. It appears I have Lost the CD.
I have found NO Downloads available on the internet that work with this board, Amptron says they no longer have the Cd's Nor is the software available on their Site because they have discontinued the Motherboard. I was Hoping and wanting to obtain another Installation CD for it.I had to replace the hard drive in this PC BUT without The CD I cannot install all the needed Drivers for this mainboard. So The V G A / Sound / Lan etc does not work. Only Hope NOW is to find Someone with One of these mainboards, who still has the software installation CD, and is willing to help. Maybe burn me a copy??
I Need to find an Installation software CD, for this Board. Here is a complete description of the board so you will Know if you have same. When you boot the PC, on one of the Bios flash screens it identifies the mainboard as m 810LR-H. The Mothernoard is RED. And on the edge of the board near the PCI slots it says REV.
The manual will also show same information. Please contact me at com2pc@aol.com.
That is a link to an information page for the motherboard I have. It's in my son's computer and I'd like to boost it up a bit. Currently it has 96MB of Ram in the three DIMMs and is running a Celeron 333 processor. I was thinking of adding more memory and perhaps a faster processor (Celeron 533).
In trying find some memory for this motherboard I have found most configurators say that this board only accepts 256MB total to 768MB. The info page for the motherboard says 768MB for 440LX chipset max memory or 512MB max memory for 440EX chipset. Problem is I don't know for sure what 'chipset' the board is. Online I've found info that the PII-2300 2.1A is the EX chipset, other sites say LX chipset.
The manual on the Amptron website is the wrong one for my board. Apparently there were two versions of the PII-2300 motherboard. Version 1.1 and version 2.1, I have the 2.1 version. If anyone has any experience with this motherboard please let me know. Howdy, Currently all three DIMMs are occupied.
Total current RAM is 96MB. I'm thinking of going with a Powerleap processor upgrade.
Seems like it would breathe some new life into the old computer. It's not a bad system, just a bit slow. Memory would be a great upgrade if I can figure out what chipset I have. I'm at work right now, computer is at home so I will find out tonight the chipset.
The memory is PC100 168 Pin SDRAM. So I know what to get, just not how much yet. Any thoughts on the Powerleap upgrade?

The system is a 66Mhz front bus. Just to throw another option in, you might consider upgrading your board, cpu, and RAM. You could upgrade to an Asus A7N266-VM AA for $65: an AMD Athlon XP 1800+ retail (includes heatsink and fan) for $57: and a new power supply for $22: The conversion you were looking at costs $130 to upgrade to a 733 P3,the total to upgrade to a board,1800+cpu,and power supply is $142, and there would be a Huge performance difference. Another positive is that the new board would run DDR RAM which also offers a large performance increase over SDRAM.
The saboteur v1.03 beta crack download. For quad core Mark cpu3 only 5- go back to game should be fixed. #Fix 3-NVIDIA USERS Update ur Graphic Card Driver To 195.62 from the Nvidia official site. 1- open game from saboteur.exe 2- Alt Ctrl delete Go to ur task manager under the processes Tab find Saboteur.exe 3-Right Click on it and select set priority and change it to Real Time 4- Right Click again on saboteur.exe and choose Set affinity and mark CPU1 only.