Carver Htr-880 Home Theater Receiver Manual
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This is to let people know that there are many good amps from Carver available from Ebay. Those looking to step up from the receiver humdrum can step into real quality audio by pairing a multi-channel amp and a pre-processor that will kick the crap out of any receiver up to $3000. The Carver AV 705X and AV505 can be found from $300-550 on Ebay. I have an AV705X at 125 watts a channel 8 ohms and almost 200 at 4 ohms. This amp from the 90s kicks ass, home theater or music quiet, dynamic, and runs cool even after hours of play.
You can say what you want about Bob Carver, but he brought high end sound within reach of the masses my first experience with Carver was the AVR100 bought the floor model from Harvey Electronics in NJ. The salesman didn't even know what model it was. I looked it up and found the MSRP was $1100 and they had it marked $450. It was the best sounding receiver I ever owned and looked realy classy with the peweter face and wood side panels. I had it paired with a pair of Dahlquist DQ20 s what beautiful sound and power. Couple of years later sold it to a friend of mine and went with Carver separates.
Never had a problem with any of them. The high end manufacturers didn't like him because he made them look bad when an under $1000 amp can't be distinguished from one costing 5 times the price. That is why his amps are still being sought after and there are shops that still do repairs and mods to these Carver classics.
Kudos to you Bob and the enjoyment you brought to so many. Bob Carver has innovative ideas. Bob Carver brought high powered equipment to the masses.
Unfortunately, you get what you pay for. I have owned a few Carver products and found them to be cheaply built.
My Sunfire True subwoofer MK II amp failed twice. My TFM35 power amplifier faied. My Phase Linear C4000 pre-amp failed in a couple of months (poor design, it used relays which oxidized immediately). Admittedly, my 400 power amp worked until I got rid of the C-4000.
My matching pre-amp/tuner also failed. The only Carver that had no problems was my C-9 Holographic generator. I also had a pair of AL-III+ speakers. The ribbon driver failed right out of the box. You open up a Carver piece and it screams cheap.
I don't know why I kept buying his stuff. I guess because it was cheap. Originally Posted by Jon S Bob Carver has innovative ideas. Download film one piece chapter 1. Bob Carver brought high powered equipment to the masses. Unfortunately, you get what you pay for. I have owned a few Carver products and found them to be cheaply built.
My Sunfire True subwoofer MK II amp failed twice. My TFM35 power amplifier faied. My Phase Linear C4000 pre-amp failed in a couple of months (poor design, it used relays which oxidized immediately).

Admittedly, my 400 power amp worked until I got rid of the C-4000. My matching pre-amp/tuner also failed. The only Carver that had no problems was my C-9 Holographic generator. I also had a pair of AL-III+ speakers. The ribbon driver failed right out of the box. You open up a Carver piece and it screams cheap. I don't know why I kept buying his stuff.
I guess because it was cheap. Bob Carver was and maybe still is like a early Henry Ford, Bob Carver,cheap high power amps to the masses. If I saw the Bob Carver name on aircraft or medical equipment I would run the other way!!