Linksys Viewer Recorder Utility
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I'm fighting the same battle now. There isn't a clear picture of why the recorder utility won't run on Vista. The reason it doesn't work seems to be that Linksys used an old audio codec in their ASF encoding. The codec was formerly included with Windows Media Player 8, but was dropped in the recent releases of the widely used Microsoft Windows Media Player. I'm wading through a finger pointing game between Linksys and Microsoft now in attempt to get someone to own the issue. Linksys support tells me that ASF is a Microsoft supported format and that they should make this work.
Microsoft's stance is that Linksys used a codec for which support was dropped in the past 2-3 years, and therefore Linksys should provide a fix. Personally, I think Linksys needs to support this, rather than Microsoft. Microsoft made the decision to drop support for this codec at least two releases of WMP ago. If the codec wasn't in the two most recent releases of WMP, dating back before the WVC200 was released, Linksys should have provided an encoding scheme that would be supported on PCs without the old codec.