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Lotus software version information Lotus Product Version Information This document lists brief descriptions of Lotus® software for the PC, along with a brief list of features and notes. While you may find older software in many places, links to the old software sales pages of, this page's sponsor, are provided for your convenience.
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Welcome to BleepingComputer, a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun. As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to an existing one unless you are logged in. Other benefits of registering an account are subscribing to topics and forums, creating a blog, and having no ads shown anywhere on the site.
Or read our to learn how to use this site. I'm glad you found my points on Lotus 123 of some value. About MSFT, I was going to say.
Lotus 123 spreadsheet free download - Fantastic Lotus 1-2-3 Converter, Lotus Symphony, Lotus 1-2-3 Password, and many more programs.
They've gone crazy. But of course, they haven't - and that's even more frightening.
Fancy having to share your client bussiness, privileged, or intimate information with MSFT. Why is this awful stuff being pushed onto people? Because they can get away with it. Power currupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. They will get away with as much as they can, because they. I am getting more and more familiar with Linux, and am introducing others to it.
I am also pointing out MSFT's Eula to whoever will listen. They are SHOCKED when they see it - those that care, anyway.

Hopefully, more and more will care, and decide that enough is enough!!! @jargos, true.
I'm working on a definitive statement for my Youtube and vimeo subscribers. The Computer Stuff section. So I will have done my own due diligence in warning them. That's all one can do, is pass on what one learns, and then the hearer is free to listen or not, discard or investigate. Am turning all my Windows 7 updates off, and will remove the Win10 drive from the laptop.
The more I think about it, the more I want to be able to prove that the drive could not be compromised. The alternative though is to leave it hooked up, make sure absolutely nothing is on it but raw programs, clear the history, let MSFT scan to its hearts content -- and when enough time passes that all its backups of whatever it 'saw' are cycled out, then remove the drive. For I did test files, etc. Edited by brainout, 12 August 2015 - 02:53 PM.
@jargos, thank you! If you think I've misstated something, feel free to comment there. Batch update using hibernate template download. That's what the forum is all about: no-holds-barred FRANKness. It's my way of being sure no one who listens to my stuff, goes uninformed. Think I'll need to add a new signature to my client emails, saying I won't use Win10 and linking to the Microsoft Service Agreement warning them not to use it either. It's all the rage right now for emails to have disavowals as signatures. Never thought I'd need one, now I do.
Tentative wording: this email was not sent from a Windows 10 device. If you receive it on a Windows 10 device,. Edited by brainout, 13 August 2015 - 02:39 AM. I read through it word for word, checked out your links, etc. I don't think you missed anything. Tentative wording: this email was not sent from a Windows 10 device. If you receive it on a Windows 10 device,.
Excellent idea. When you come up with your final wording, would love to see it posted here - for anyone else interested, as I certainly will be, and will use it myself. My clients material (sensitive financial stuff concerning speculative investments) to be at the disposal of MSFT! It boggles the mind! Picture this simple scenario; - I don't use Win 10 - Someone I do business with, does. - I communicate sensitive, private information with that someone. - My sensitive private information is compromised because of that fact - through no fault or intent of mine.