Honda Motorcycle Serial Numbers By Year
On a Honda frame you will notice they have a 17 digit frame number. Honda have been printing frame numbers on every single bike since 1981. With the Honda number pattern the 10th digit refers to the year. So if the 10th digit is an '8' then it's a 2008 bike. SO, then what happens before 2001 you ask?
What does a Motorcycle VIN mean? VIN (or V.I.N) is the acronym for Vehicle Identification Code. A motorcycle VIN is comparable to the VIN on your car. We are required to use them to register and insure our vehicles. Prior to 1981 vehicle manufacturers were responsible for creating their own systems of individually numbering each machine they produced. VINs differed in length and meaning.
Some manufacturers included a lot of information. Others, just the bare minimum. Duplicate VINs were possible.
In the 1970's government regulators realized that allowing each individual manufacturer to use their own format for creating unique vehicle identification numbers was creating a paperwork nightmare for the DMV, insurance companies and law enforcement. The business world was becoming computerized and we needed to create standards for all manufacturers to abide. These new regulations applied to automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, all terrain vehicles (ATVs) and motor-driven cycles (mopeds). Pretty much any vehicle that can be driven legally on the road. We are only concerning ourselves with motorcycles, ATVs and mopeds here. Beginning in 1981, all vehicle manufacturers had to conform to the new 17 digit VIN format and the year would no longer appear on the bike tag.
The 10th digit of each vehicle identification number would now represent the model year. Some motorcycle manufacturers began using the new system in 1979. Most waited until 1981. This new alpha-numeric numbering system would ensure that no two vehicles produced within thirty years of each other would have the same unique identifying number. To view the NHTSB (National Highway Traffic Safety Board) VIN numbering requirements chart click on the tiny chart below. The values of the 10th digit and their corresponding year appear in the Year Code Chart below. 10th Digit Model Year Z 1979 A 1980 B 1981 C 1982 D 1983 E 1984 F 1985 G 1986 H 1987 J 1988 K 1989 L 1990 M 1991 N 1992 P 1993 R 1994 S 1995 T 1996 V 1997 W 1998 X 1999 Y 2000 1 2001 2 2002 3 2003 4 2004 5 2005 6 2006 7 2007 8 2008 9 2009 A 2010 B 2011 C 2012 D 2013 E 2014 F 2015 G 2016 H 2017 I 2018 J 2019 K 2020 The cycle of A to Z, 1 to 9 will repeat itself every thirty years.
If you are looking for information about your bike or a bike you may want to purchase, you can check out the. If you want more information about a specific manufacturers motorcycle VIN codes, please check the bike manufacturer tabs in the navigation bar on the left. Download lagu ungu aku tahu. Decode the meaning of your vehicle with the Universal Collector Car VIN Decoder.
VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. It includes a set of individual numbers and letters, each providing specific information about your vehicle. The VIN number will tell you where your car was made, who manufactured it, vehicle-brand, engine size, year of the car, what plant assembled it and more!
This article will teach you how to decode your own VIN number information. Bangles all over the place rare. How to Decode/ Read Your VIN Number VIN Number BreakdownThere are 17 numbers and letters (17 positions) in a VIN and you can divide them into three groups: World Manufacturer Identifier, Vehicle Descriptor Section, and Vehicle Identifier Section.
We will go through all 17 positions here so you can decode any VIN number. You will become a VIN decoding expert! World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) The first three letters and numbers of the VIN are the World Manufacturer Identifier. Position 1 The very first letter or number of the VIN tells you in what region of the world your vehicle was made. Match the letter or number below to the first number or letter of your VIN to find out in what region of the world your VIN was made. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are made in Africa J, K, L, M, N, P, and R are made Asia S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z are made in Europe 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are made in North America 6 and 7 are made in Oceania 8 and 9 are made in South America Position 2 The second letter or number, in combination with the first letter or number in the VIN, tells you in what country the car or truck was made.
You may be surprised to know that not all Japanese cars are made in Japan and not all GM cars are made in America and so on. Anyway, cars and trucks are made in over 80 countries and there are over 600 VIN country codes. You can see all the codes and find where your car or truck was made by going to Position 3 The third number or letter is used by the vehicle manfacturer to identify what kind of vehicle it is. It could be a car, truck, bus and so on. Each vehicle maker uses different codes for this so go to the website for your vehicle to find out what the third position in the VIN means for your particular vehicle.